


I first met Ati when she did a Nutrition Presentation for my office. I enjoyed the presentation so much that I signed up for one-on-one nutrition counseling. I love that Ati understands that altering one’s food habits should be done gradually so that it is manageable and sustainable. I told Ati in our first meeting that I am a lover of cheese and bread and that I will never give them up. Ati said that I do not need to give up what I love but made suggestions of substitutions and reductions that will bring balance to my diet. For example, she suggested delicious gluten-free crackers to eat with my cheese and to reduce my toast to half a piece for breakfast. Ati has brought awareness to our family on the importance of buying local, seasonal and organic produce. She has taught us how to read food labels so that we are not swayed by clever marketing. Thank you Ati for helping my family eat, feel and be healthier!



—Kristen C.
Account Executive at Barkley Court Reporters San Francisco, CA

